
Our membership has always been our greatest strength.


Green Valleys Watershed Association began in 1964 when a group of concerned citizens came together to conserve natural and cultural resources in the French Creek watershed. From our beginning to the present, support from members like you have enabled us to extend our education, advocacy and restoration programs throughout the Schuylkill River tributary watersheds of the Stony Run and the French, Pickering, Pigeon, and Valley Creeks. Green Valleys members understand the importance of protecting abundant, clean water resources for today and for generations to come.

Thank you for choosing to support Green Valleys Watershed Association!

All members receive our organization’s newsletter, Streamlinesopportunities to participate in exciting watershed stewardship & science programs, and special membership discounts to Green Valleys education programs and Summer Nature Day Camp.

Join online below, or download and print a copy of our Membership Brochure to send us your membership via mail.

If your employer has a matching gifts donation please take advantage of it when paying your membership dues or making a contribution. Contact us at for more information.

Each donation is tax-deductible and goes toward our work in protecting, restoring, and advocating on behalf of northern Chester County’s streams.

Event sponsors are needed for annual events like our stream clean-ups, Annual Celebration fundraiser, and more! Click here to become a sponsor.

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Green Valleys Association of Southeastern PA, Inc. is a registered charitable organization. A copy of the registration and financial information is available by calling toll free 1-800-732-0999. Registration does not imply endorsements.